[guh-zahmt-koo nst-verk]
"total works of the arts“
- equal importance to all forms of art
- craft-based arts = paintings/sculture
Some claim Vincent van Gogh
Others say perhaps the lithographs of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, such as La Goule at the Moulin Rouge (1891).

However many point to the origins of Art Nouveau at a book cover of Wren’s City Churches by
Arthur Mackmurdo

• United in 1897
For the means
of unity to break free from old traditions and popularise Art Nouveau.
A collective of visual artists, decorators, sculptors, architects, crafts person, designers and
Arguably the most prolific and influential of
the secessionists was painter Gustav Klimt.

The World's Fair in Paris -1900
Art Nouveau style was present in all its forms.
Of particular note was the construction and
opening of the Grand Palais in 1900, a

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